DOE-STD-1177-2024 Chg Notice 1, Emergency Management Functional Area Qualification Standard

Functional area qualification standards (FAQS) establish common performance competencies in key nuclear facility functional areas for personnel in the DOE Technical Qualification Program (TQP). This FAQS establishes a common set of performance competencies to ensure designated personnel have the technical competency to perform the duties and responsibilities of an emergency management oversight professional. The content of this FAQS should be referenced and used as appropriate to develop vacancy announcements, interview questions, and other criteria associated with the recruitment, selection, and internal placement of personnel assigned to this FAQS.

DOE-STD-1177-2024_ChgN1.pdf -- PDF Document, 342 KB

Based on the upcoming DOE O 151.1 release, there were some minor adjustments made to this standard.

  • Emergency Management and Planning
  • FAQs/FTCPs
ID: DOE-STD-1177-2024 Chg Notice 1
Type: Functional Area Qualification Standard
Senior Line Manager: Pugh, Gabriel
Senior Line Manager Org: EA-50
OPI: EA - Enterprise Assessment
Preparing Activity: Melissa Otero
Status: Current
Approved Date: Mar 20, 2024
Last Update: Apr 03, 2024
DNFSB Interest:
Invoked Standard: No
Emergency Management Functional Area Qualification Standard
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